Address at the conference marking the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor Gjorgi Marjanovic

28 May 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed today the conference “Conversations with Gjorgi Marjanovic”, organized in honor of the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor Gjorgi Marjanovic, who died in 2022.

Speaking about Professor Marjanović, she called him the leader in Yugoslav criminal law, the conscience of the law school and society, and a lucid intellectual who had a clear conscience and a critical attitude to every social and political issue.

President Siljanovska Davkova pointed out that regarding the issue related to the name, Professor Marjanovic pointed out the absurdity of the dispute.

“Regarding the name of our country, he said that it is incomprehensible one name to be used on a badge, another on a chair, a third in documents, a fourth in speech practice, and he said that discrimination cannot be practiced by the Council of Europe and that some things simply cannot be defended”, said the President in her address.

She added that Professor Marjanovic was also sharp in foreign policy and did not tolerate double standards towards the Macedonian case and said that prejudices towards the Balkans should be put an end to.

The President said that Marjanovic always pointed to the European values, was pro-European oriented, referring to his paper from 1999, in which he said that Macedonia is far away from the rule of law and that as long as the laws apply to one, but not to others, Europe will not accept us regardless of how many beautiful laws governments make on paper. His political and life goal, the President said, was to make Macedonia a decent place to live, and he promoted that in the program of the League for Democracy.

“A decent place to live is the rule of law, the protected freedoms and rights of the individual and citizen, limited power means strong institutions, not strong individuals, because whatever power comes, the state should function”, President Siljanovska Davkova said.

She added that Professor Marjanovic promoted the Copenhagen criteria as top priority of the Macedonian state, at a time when it was not officially established as the Copenhagen criteria. The conference on the topic “How Macedonia can become a decent place to live”, is organized by the “Gjorgi Marjanovic” Foundation and the “Iustinian Primus” Faculty of Law at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.

At this event, the books “Collection of Professional Papers” by Gjorgi Marjanovic and “Conversations with Professor Gjorgi Marjanovic” by Branko Sekulovski were promoted.







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