The President’s Wife with support for raising awareness about breast cancer

27 September 2020 | Press Releases

The President’s Wife, Elizabeta Gjorgievska, attended and addressed today the “Race for the Cure” breast cancer awareness event in the City Park.

“We have a double obligation regarding the education, prevention and treatment not only of breast cancer, but also of the virus that threatens to endanger the woman who is already affected by another disease”, Mrs. Gjorgievska said, adding that it is necessary to provide funds for all care centers for sick women, which in addition to care, also offer what is very important, and that is psychological support.

The event was also addressed by the Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, and the US Ambassador to the country, Kate Byrnes.

The organizer of the event is the Association “Borka”, which joined the campaign which takes place in many European countries and cities, and in our country the campaign and the final events will be held in 13 cities besides Skopje.

Below is the integral text of the address of Mrs. Elizabeta Gjorgievska.

Distinguished guests,

Dear friends,

This event takes place on the threshold of October, another world month in the fight against breast cancer. We are all aware that this time, we have a really difficult situation burdened by the threat of the corona virus that has changed the world that has practically changed the whole world. So, appeals and promoting awareness of this disease are actually more complex and must be even more dramatic. We have a double obligation regarding the education, prevention and treatment not only of breast cancer, but also of the virus that threatens to endanger a woman who is already affected by another disease.

During the month of October, many world sights will shine in pink, thus drawing attention to the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, so today I will remind you of the main rule in life, better to prevent than to cure. Please practice breast self-examination, regular doctor visits and annual mammograms.

The pink ribbon is a symbol of the fight against this disease and a symbol of support for all those affected. The pink ribbon is worn by the healed, but also by all those who want to raise awareness about this disease which is in fact one of the most deadly diseases in women. I also want to draw attention to the need to raise funds as donations in all care centers for sick women, which in addition to care, also offer what is very important, and that is psychological support.

I will emphasize one more thing: this, like all other diseases, should not be seen as something that happens to someone else. We, the medical staff in particular, need to emphasize this on a daily basis and wherever possible. There is still much to be done, and only together can we make changes in collective awareness and support in educating and encouraging women in any way possible.

And let us not forget: it is never too late for change to a healthy life. No matter how old we are, life changes for good health do not know of age. May we be best friends with our body and listen to its warnings!

Thank you.





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