President Pendarovski visits the places in Prilep caught by the fire

President Pendarovski visits the places in Prilep caught by the fire

The President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Stevo Pendarovski, visited today the “Mirce Acev” barracks in Prilep and the areas around the village Toplica caught by fire. The members of the Army deployed in the barracks informed President Pendarovski about...

President Pendarovski visits the Delchevo-Pehchevo region

President Pendarovski visits the Delchevo-Pehchevo region

The President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Stevo Pendarovski, visited this evening the members of the Army in the Operational Center of the First Infantry Brigade in the village of Trabotivishte, Delchevo, which was one of the most critically affected...



Tonight in Krushevo, the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurcinovski, informed President Stevo Pendarovski about the situation with the fires throughout the country and especially about the big fire in Kocani late this afternoon....