President Siljanovska Davkova addresses the discussion “Youth and Intra-Party Democracy”

16 September 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed the discussion “Youth and Intra-Party Democracy”, which was held in the President’s Cabinet on the occasion of 15 September, the International Day of Democracy.

Young people from political parties in the country participated in the discussion, who presented their views and experiences on the role and position of young people in the political parties where they are members and exchanged ideas and recommendations for improving intra-party democracy and encouraging youth engagement in politics.

President Siljanovska Davkova, in her address to the political youth, pointed out that the democratization of political parties is key to the democratization of politics. She referred to the processes of internal party decision-making, to the processes of candidacy and election of party officials, pointing out that it is necessary to decentralize parties, respect for different tendencies and opinions within the parties and a more authentic performance of the local party organizations.

In that regard, she spoke about the need for responsibility within the party, the necessity of reforms, participatory political culture and changes in the parties’ approach and communication with the public.

In her address, the President referred to the structure of the parties and their representation in terms of gender representation, while pointing out that the action of the political parties largely depends on the ethical capacity of the leadership and the leader.

The President supported the need for greater involvement of young people in making party decisions, noting that they should be the most subversive element that will affect the democratization of these processes and decision-making within the party.

Emphasizing the importance of intra-party democracy, young people considered the possibilities and ways for their greater influence on political processes and decisions, through active participation and inclusion in party structures.

Political youth as generators of future party leadership emphasized the importance of education and sensitization about democracy and its understanding among the youth.





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