President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova received representatives of the Union of Fighters of the National Liberation and Anti-Fascist War of Macedonia – NOAVM and Citizens Continuing the Legacy: Liljana Dimovski, President of the Municipal Organization of the Union of Fighters – Tetovo, Naum Bureski and Elena Jovanova-Gruevska, Vice-Presidents of the Main Board.
The occasion for convening the meeting was the announcement of changing the names of some of the streets and naming previously unnamed streets on the territory of the municipality of Tetovo.
As the representatives of Union of Fighters said, they are against any renaming of streets that bear the names of national figures from the anti-fascist past of the Macedonian people and nationalities, who, through the centuries-old struggles, secured the Macedonian statehood.
As a descendant of a participant in the National Liberation War, President Siljanovska-Davkova said that we must not forget history and that by respecting the personalities who were part of the anti-fascist struggle, we show that we have been and remain on the side of progress. The heroes who brought us freedom, the President said, are not invented. Their names speak, their names tell a historical truth. They are part of our national and cultural heritage that we must respect to the end, she added.
She told the representatives of the Union of Fighters to be persistent, because we all have a responsibility towards history and we should leave it to our children.
The members of the Council do not have the right to revise history.