President Siljanovska Davkova receives the Regional Director of the International Organization for Migration for Europe and Central Asia, Aleksoski

18 September 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova received today Dragan Aleksoski, acting Regional Director of the International Organization for Migration for Europe and Central Asia.

The meeting discussed the cooperation of the Macedonian institutions with the International Organization for Migration and the possibilities for its deepening, the areas in the migration policy that should be given priority, as well as the upcoming initiatives and activities of the Organization planned for our country.

Expressing gratitude for the continuous commitment and support from the International Organization for Migration since 1999, President Siljanovska Davkova expressed readiness to continue mutual partnership in building capacities for migration management, border control and support for vulnerable populations.

At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the possibilities of continuing cooperation in relation to labor migration programs, which facilitate the integration of migrants and increase their contribution to national development, as well as on the possibilities of strengthening cooperation in the field of providing health services for the migrants.

Moreover, interest was also expressed in cooperation on sustainable strategies for mitigating the risks of climate migration and managing environmentally induced migration.

At the meeting, the President was also informed about the role of the International Organization for Migration in preventing violent extremism and reintegration and rehabilitation programmes for Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (RFTF) and their families.

The President reaffirmed the commitment of the country in the management of legal and illegal migration, in the promotion of institutional capacities and harmonization of legislation with international standards, as well as efforts for appropriate response and management of crises at national and regional level.





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