Congratulation note from President Pendarovski on the occasion of Ramadan Eid

10 April 2024 | Press Releases

President Stevo Pendarovski, on the occasion of the great Muslim holiday Ramadan Eid, sent a congratulation message to the citizens of the Islamic faith in the Republic of North Macedonia and to the Head of the Islamic Religious Community, Reis-ul-ulema h. hfz. Shaqir ef. Fetahu.

Respected Reis-ul-ulema h. hfz. Shaqir ef. Fetahu,

Allow me to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you personally, to the members of the Rijaset, the muftis, the imams and to all the citizens of Islamic faith in the Republic of North Macedonia on the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

The great holiday marked the end of a thirty-day fast from dawn to dusk in which every Muslim, besides food and drink, renounces bad thoughts and deeds, devoting himself to prayer and spirituality. As one of the pillars of Islam, Ramadan is a month of kindness, mercy, love and forgiveness. It is in the spirit of the holiday, not only in the upcoming three holiday days, but also throughout the year that we live in peace and harmony, that we are united and kind, filled with happiness and joy.

United, may you share with our neighbors, with our close and more distant neighbors, the vision of well-being, prosperity and development of our common homeland.

Ramadan Mubarak!

Stevo Pendarovski




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