President Siljanovska Davkova addresses the Gala Academy on the occasion of 65 years since the establishment of FEEIT

18 June 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed the Gala Academy on the occasion of 65 years since the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT).

In her address, President Siljanovska Davkova said that FEIT, with its overall work that includes projects, research, innovation and monitoring of global educational and scientific trends, is undeniably a successful and relevant example of good educational and scientific practices and is considered a pioneer in creating profiles of staff, suitable to the new needs of the third millennium.

Congratulating on the achieved results, the President said that these are also results that cross our national borders and are recognized and valued by the international academic public.

President Siljanovska Davkova said that even in times of economic crisis, the Macedonian IT industry records continuous growth. Justifiably, FEEIT is one of the most popular faculties among the young population today.

“But, if we strive for a successful digital future, we must not forget our biggest challenge: we have to keep the young, digital generation here, at home”, President Siljanovska Davkova stressed, adding that to prevent the brain drain, as one of the biggest risks for the future development of science, we need overall and fundamental reforms in the state, and above all, in higher education.

The President also said that we must not forget that our primary goal is competitive education and science, which implies investing in research and development of modern technologies.

“We need to help young engineers and programmers to get involved in the Macedonian innovation systems, which attract investments and keep them at home. We must follow the global trends that dictate the development of national economies and contribute to the well-being and progress of the entire society”, President Siljanovska Davkova said.

Indicating that the goal of education is to educate staff who will be competitive on the labor market and will contribute with their individual success to the collective Macedonian success, the President said that if we do not invest in their present, we cannot invest in their future either, nor in the economic future of our country.

“I am pleased to say that FEEIT, as a member of UKIM, has made a serious contribution to the modernization of the teaching-educational process, to the creation of technological leaders and to the strengthening of ties with the Macedonian economy”, president Siljanovska Davkova said.




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