Congratulation message from President Siljanovska Davkova on the occasion of September 8 – Independence Day

8 September 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova sent a congratulation message to the citizens on the occasion of September 8 – Independence Day.

Respected citizens,

On 8 September 1991, Macedonian citizens, using the right to self-determination, expressed their will and voted in huge numbers for a sovereign and independent Macedonian republic. Not only on the referendum ballot, but the will was also expressed through the beaming faces of the thousands of citizens spontaneously gathered at the “Macedonia Square”, where they rejoiced at independence with great enthusiasm and hope for the future.

With that, they, we, the Macedonian citizens, in a wise, democratic and peaceful way, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, left the disintegrating federation and stepped into the new stage of Macedonian statehood. Wrapping up the work of the Ilinden and ASNOM fighters, we have taken the responsibility to build a modern, European, legal state that will ensure peace and coexistence, social justice, economic well-being and progress of personal and common life.

33 years later, the enthusiasm and hope are, unfortunately, overshadowed by the numerous challenges we have faced as a country, from external pressures and unprincipled blockades, through internal divisions, all the way to political and security crises. Over the years we have had successes and failures, ups and downs. Missed opportunities, omnipresent partisanship and politicization, and chronic corruption alienate citizens and evict young people.

It is our duty to put aside divisions and unite around the common good and public interest. We must invest all our personal and institutional capacities to make the Macedonian republic a decent place to live, which will give equal chances for progress to all its citizens, a republic that will be caring for the best, inclusive for the different, in solidarity with the vulnerable and fair to all.

Only with the Europeanization of the state, with the rule of law and with the fight against corruption, with functional institutions and with a competitive economy and merit system will we enable the young generations to exercise the right to seek happiness at home, in the common homeland, in which they will work, start families and create a future. Only in this way, we will renew hope and bring back the enthusiasm from the beginning of Macedonian independence.

Congratulations on September 8 – Independence Day!






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