Open Cabinet for students from “Krume Kepeski” and “11 Oktomvri” primary schools from Skopje

7 December 2023 | Press Releases

As part of the Open Cabinet activity, students from “Krume Kepeski” and “11 Oktomvri” primary schools from Skopje visited the Cabinet of President Pendarovski today.

During their stay, they met and talked with the President and had the opportunity to visit the premises where official and working meetings take place, as well as the halls where meetings, ceremonies, events and press conferences are held. In the Mosaic hall, they saw “Macedonia – Bright Country” and “Macedonia Remembers”, by one of the most important Macedonian artists, academician Gligor Chemerski.

The visitors were introduced to the history of the building in which the Cabinet is located and the way the institution functions.

Open Cabinet continuously allows visits to the Cabinet and direct meetings with President Pendarovski. The institution has so far been visited by thousands of citizens of different ages, professions and occupations, students from the country and abroad, students from primary and secondary schools, as well as a large number of organizations and institutions.






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