President Siljanovska Davkova addresses the commemorative session over the passing away of Stojan Andov

19 June 2024 | Press Releases

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed today the Commemorative Session over the passing away of Stojan Andov, the first President of the Assembly of the Independent Republic of Macedonia.

Expressing condolences on the occasion of the death of the first democratically elected Macedonian official after independence, President Siljanovska Davkova said that Andov was a statesman, politician, economic expert, high-ranking diplomat, political scientist, journalist, publicist, writer who defined the Macedonian and international scene, which was particularly important for the cultural identity of the Macedonian people, the coexistence of all Macedonian citizens regardless of their religious, ideological and national affiliation, cooperation with neighbors and the world on equal basis, making a great contribution to the culture of remembrance, as a prerequisite for a better tomorrow everyone.

‘The first President of the Assembly in democratic Macedonia, elected in the first multi-party elections, then elected two more times to the same post, passed away, a staunch pillar of our modernity who made a serious contribution to political, state and social development in the last three decades”, President Siljanovska Davkova said.

The President addressed the ideological attacks against Stojan Andov, his role in the Yugoslav state and party leadership, the political conflicts he had in Yugoslavia, as well as his significant role in the Economic Reform and in the closure of FENI.

“We have lost a respected federal official in the former common state, a diplomat who was entrusted with the most essential tasks on the international level, who was a member of the federal governments for two terms, who traveled the world as the person in charge of relations with developing countries and with the European Economic community, the predecessor of the European Union, who, on behalf of the federal government, signed the Cooperation Agreement with the European Economic Community”, President Siljanovska Davkova said.

She reminded that Stojan Andov was a liberal in the nineties, who believed that there were no reforms without liberal values, freedoms and rights, and economic reforms.

President Siljanovska Davkova emphasized Andov’s statesmanlike behavior on the path to sovereignty and independence, when, as she pointed out, there were many outbursts of emotions and conflict was in the air.

She added that Stojan Andov was a leader of reasonableness and patience with his rich life and professional experience, moderation, communication and encyclopedic education, a passionate historian, pragmatic, with a sense of reality and the best writer among politicians.




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